
Dead By Daylight Oni Map

The Oni
K18 charSelect portrait.png
Proper name Kazan Yamaoka
Gender Male
Nationality Japanese
Realm Yamaoka Estate
Power Yamaoka's Wrath
Ability Attack Type Special Assail

(Bloody Fury Attacks)

Weapon Yamaoka Blade
Movement SpeedIconHelp movementSpeed.png 115 % | 4.half-dozen m/southward
Alternate Movement speed 86.25 % | three.45 m/s


195.5 % | 7.82 m/s

(Demon Nuance)

Terror RadiusIconHelp terrorRadius.png 32 metres
Height IconHelp height.png Tall
DLC Cursed Legacy
Voice Actor Jean-Baptiste Garnier (BHVR)
Menu Music
Terror Radius Music

Kazan Yamaoka (Japanese: ć±±ćČĄ 掋汱) or "The Oni" is one of 28 Killers IconHelpLoading killer.png currently featured in Dead by Daylight IconHelp DBDlogo.png .

He was introduced as the Killer of CHAPTER 14: Cursed Legacy, a Affiliate DLC released on three Dec 2019.


  • ane Overview
  • 2 Lore
  • iii Load-out
    • 3.1 Unique Perks
    • 3.ii Teachable Perks
    • 3.3 Weapon: Yamaoka Blade
    • 3.4 Ability: Yamaoka's Wrath
      • 3.4.1 Ability Trivia
    • 3.5 Add-ons for Yamaoka's Wrath
  • 4 Achievements
  • v Cosmetic Options
    • 5.ane Base Cosmetics
      • 5.ane.1 Default
      • 5.1.2 Prestige
    • 5.ii Alternatives
      • 5.2.1 Special
      • 5.2.2 Event
    • v.3 Athenaeum
    • 5.4 In-Game Store
      • 5.iv.1 Outfits
      • 5.4.2 Heads
      • 5.4.3 Body
      • 5.4.4 Weapons
    • 5.5 Alternate Character Models
  • 6 DLC
  • 7 Trivia
    • vii.1 Mori
    • 7.ii Lore
    • 7.three Name
    • 7.4 Voice Player
  • viii Gallery


New Store Oni.png

StoreBackground SK.png

The Oni is a monstrous Killer, able to absorb the blood energy of his injured foes, and and then apply that energy to transform into a brutal demon. Using his ability, Yamaoka's Wrath, he can rush down Survivors at great speed and bargain deadly strikes with his Kanabƍ.

His personal Perks, Zanshin TacticsIconPerks zanshinTactics.png, Blood EchoIconPerks bloodEcho.png, and NemesisIconPerks nemesis.png, provide navigational information, punish injured Survivors, and gain advantages over those that interfere.

Difficulty Rating: Very Difficult

(These Killers require a high amount of practice and agreement, inexperienced Players are probable to find little success when using them)


Oni Lore1.png

Additional Lore can be institute in Tome vi - Departure: Survivor Statement. Sean Dint. & Tome 10 - SAW: Bedroom of Blood. The Redcrane. Veil of Blood. 1.

Honouring his family unit name was never enough for Kazan Yamaoka. He wanted to surpass his father's reputation and terminate what he saw every bit the thinning of samurai culture with farmers frequently posing as samurai. His father tried to plough Kazan's attention to more noble pursuits, but Kazan refused to heed his communication, and borrowing his male parent's Katana, he embarked on a night pilgrimage to prove his worth and rid Nihon of impostors. Ignoring the code that had been taught to him, Kazan killed impostors in the hills and the valleys, on the beaches and in the woodland. The killings were brutal, roughshod and morbid. He humiliated farmers and warriors akin, yanking off their topknots and stripping them of their armour. His rage, bloodlust and perverse sense of award knew no bounds. Monks believed he was possessed past something dark and otherworldly and cursed him while a noble lord began to call him 'Oni-Yamaoka,' the rageful Samurai, an insult both to Kazan and his family.

Determined to redeem his family's proper name, Kazan now butchered anyone who dared phone call him Oni-Yamaoka. The insult dislocated him. He had defeated the best and he had purified the samurai grade by ridding the land of impostors. How could anyone refer to him as an ogre? Had it been considering he had marched onto a battlefield to cut downwardly the fiercest warriors. Had it been considering he had taken a Kanabo and dashed hundreds of skulls with information technology? Or had it been because of his demand to secure a 'trophy' from his victims. It didn't matter. Being chosen an ogre was more than he could acquit and an ominous voice in his head urged him to strike downwards the lord who had desecrated his name.

As Kazan made for the lord's town, he of a sudden found himself confront to face with a samurai standing on a clay route, blocking his manner. Kazan readied his Kanabo. Without a word, the samurai attacked and speedily secured the upper hand. But he hesitated. With a devastating accident, Kazan crushed the samurai'due south head and cracked his helmet. As Kazan approached the fallen samurai, he saw his begetter'south face up and staggered back to his haunches. His father stared at Kazan with mingled shame and regret as he issued his last breath. Kazan airtight his eyes and screamed in desperation until he could scream no more. When he opened his eyes over again... his male parent was gone. Not only had he killed his male parent, but he had allowed thieves to steal his body for armour.

Oni Lore2.png

Bitter, lost and disillusioned, Kazan roamed the land frantically with his father's voice rattling in his caput, taunting him, reminding him of his failures, sending him into fits of uncontrollable black rage. One day, walking in the woods, Kazan happened upon an Oni statue. He stopped and stood motionless for a long moment. The weathered and overgrown statue seemed to be ridiculing him, accusing him of being the impostor samurai he had so desperately sought to destroy. Kazan shook the laughing voice out of his head and half remembered the lord who had ridiculed him as 'Oni-Yamaoka.'

With renewed anger, Kazan journeyed to a town high up in the snowy mountains where the lord resided. A dozen samurai met Kazan at the gates of the boondocks. A dozen samurai barbarous to his Kanabo. His speed and strength were unmatched. His rage was incomprehensible. Covered in blood and gore, Kazan battled through the town and soon found the lord hiding in a villa. He dragged him out of a chiffonier, sliced his tendons to immobilise him and watched him beg and squirm similar a dog. Without hesitation, he thrust his fist into the lord's mouth and yanked out the wicked tongue that had desecrated his name.

Satisfied, Kazan exited the villa to notice himself surrounded by dozens of farmers wielding rusted scythes, precipitous pitchforks, and heavy clubs. He survived the outset few assaults, but at that place were too many attackers coming from every direction. Within moments Kazan was on the ground staring at a common cold, indifferent, darkening heaven as farmers took turns stabbing and torturing the 'Oni' who had butchered their beloved lord. The frenzied mob dragged Kazan into a small stone mill to keep the torture and finally left him to die a tiresome, agonising death. When they returned, the mill was filled with a foreign black fog and Kazan's trunk and the Kanabo were nowhere to be establish. It was the beginning of a dark legend about a rageful Oni haunting the boondocks.


Unique Perks

The Oni comes with 3 Perks IconHelp perks.png that are unique to him:

Zanshin Tactics Zanshin Tactics

Unlocks potential in your Aura-reading ability.

You lot are mentally alert and aware of key points on the battlefield.

The Auras of Breakable Walls, Pallets, and Windows are revealed to you within '''<bridge class="luaClr clr clr2" manner="color: #e8c252;">24</span>'''/'''<span form="luaClr clr clr3" style="color: #199b1e;">28</span>'''/'''<span class="luaClr clr clr4" style="colour: #ac3ee3;">32</span>''' '''metres'''.

Unlocks potential in your Aura-reading ability.

You are mentally alert and aware of key points on the battlefield.
The AurasIconHelp auras.png of Breakable WallsIconHelp breakableDoors.png, PalletsIconHelp pullDown.png, and WindowsIconHelp window.png are revealed to you inside 24 / 28 / 32 metres.

"Within your enemy's strength is weakness." — Renjiro's Doctrine 12:v

Blood Echo Blood Echo

The agony of one is inflicted onto others.
* When hooking a Survivor, all other Injured Survivors suffer from the '''''Bleeding''''' and '''''Exhausted''''' '''Status Effects''' for '''<span class="luaClr clr clr2" style="color: #e8c252;">45 seconds</span>'''.
<p>''Blood Echo'' tin can but exist triggered in one case every '''<span grade="luaClr clr clr2" fashion="color: #e8c252;">80</span>'''/'''<span course="luaClr clr clr3" style="color: #199b1e;">70</bridge>'''/'''<span class="luaClr clr clr4" style="color: #ac3ee3;">lx</span>''' '''seconds'''.

The desperation of one is inflicted onto others.

  • When hooking a SurvivorIconHelpLoading survivor.png, all other Injured Survivors suffer from the HaemorrhageIconStatusEffects bleeding.png and ExhaustedIconStatusEffects exhausted.png Condition Effects for 45 seconds .

Blood Repeat can only be triggered once every 80 / seventy / 60 seconds.

"Attack an enemy with precision and their allies will feel information technology." — Renjiro'south Doctrine 6:3

Nemesis Nemesis

You lot seek retribution on those who have wronged y'all.
*Whatsoever Survivor who blinds or stuns you becomes the '''''Obsession'''''.
*Anytime your '''''Obsession''''' switches to another Survivor by any means, that Survivor then suffers from the '''''Oblivious''''' '''Status Consequence''' for '''<span class="luaClr clr clr2" manner="color: #e8c252;">xl</bridge>'''/'''<span form="luaClr clr clr3" fashion="color: #199b1e;">50</span>'''/'''<bridge class="luaClr clr clr4" style="color: #ac3ee3;">sixty</bridge>''' '''seconds''' and their Aura is revealed to you for '''<span class="luaClr clr clr2" style="color: #e8c252;">four seconds</bridge>'''.

<p>''You lot tin can only be '''obsessed''' with i Survivor at a fourth dimension.''

You seek retribution on those who have wronged you lot.

  • Any Survivor who blinds or stuns you becomes the ObsessionIconHelp obsession.png .
  • Someday your ObsessionIconHelp obsession.png switches to another SurvivorIconHelpLoading survivor.png by any means, that Survivor then suffers from the ObliviousIconStatusEffects oblivious.png Condition Effect for 40 / fifty / 60 seconds and their AuraIconHelp auras.png is revealed to you for 4 seconds .

You can only be obsessed with i Survivor at a time.

"Only a fool would spit in a demon's face up and declare victory." — Renjiro's Doctrine 4:9

Teachable Perks

Progressing through The Oni'southward BloodwebIconHelp bloodweb.png will spawn their Teachable Variant at specific Levels:

Obtaining the Teachable Perks will unlock them to spawn in the Bloodwebs of all other Killers.

Weapon: Yamaoka Blade

SK W01.png

The Yamaoka Blade is the Primary Weapon of The Oni.
A long bract that was passed down from one generation to the next.

Power: Yamaoka'due south Wrath

FulliconPowers yamaokasWrath.png

FulliconPowers yamaokasWrath Demon.png

Absorption Style: Atl Hud PB IconAbsorb.png
Blot Claret Orbs left by your injured foes.

Printing and hold the Power push button to absorb Claret Orbs in the environment and fill your Power approximate.
When your Ability gauge is total, printing and hold the Active Power button to initiate Blood Fury.

Claret Fury: IconPowers yamaokasWrath demon.png
While Blood Fury is active, The Oni becomes lethal and gains access to additional abilities: Demon Dash and Demon Strike.

SPECIAL Ability: Demon Nuance Atl Hud PB IconDash.png
Press and hold the Ability button while Blood Fury is active, to perform a Demon Dash. This ability allows The Oni to cover large distances rapidly.

SPECIAL ATTACK: Demon Strike Atl Hud PB IconDemonStrike.png
Press and hold the Attack button while Blood Fury is active, to perform a Demon Strike in the direction you are facing. Demon Strike has an extended Lunge range and successful hits immediately put healthy Survivors into the Dying State IconHelp dying.png.

Power Trivia

Motility Speeds:

  • Absorption: 3.45 thousand/southward
  • Demon Strike: 4.half dozen thousand/southward
  • Demon Dash: 7.82 m/s

Absorption Mode:
This is whenever The Oni is not in Encarmine Fury .

  • Assimilation range: 0.5 metres
    • When within this range, Claret Orbs are absorbed by The Oni, filling his Ability estimate.
  • Attraction range: 6 metres
    • When inside this range, Blood Orbs start moving towards The Oni, if they are within a 45 ° cone in his Field of View.
  • Attraction speed: ten one thousand/s
  • Forced Drib range: viii metres
    • When within this range, Survivors are forced to driblet Blood Orbs, if they are within a 45 ° cone in The Oni's Field of View.
  • Movement speed: three.45 m/south or 86.25 %

Blood Orbs:

  • Visibility range: 35 metres
    • Claret Orbs are invisible to Survivors with the exception of a short glimpse upon spawning or if The Oni uses Renjiro's Bloody Glove FulliconAddon renjirosBloodyGlove.png.
    • Blood Orbs are invisible to The Oni during Encarmine Fury and cannot be absorbed.
  • Aura range: 8 metres
    • If obscured by an obstacle, Claret Orbs within this range volition reveal their Aura to The Oni.
  • Drop rates (but applies to injured Survivors):
    • Crouching: 1 Blood Orb (with a buffer of 1 2nd to forbid spamming)
    • Interactions: ii Claret Orbs (eastward.m. dropping Pallets, inbound Lockers, vaulting Windows, etc.)
    • Failed Skill Check: 2 Blood Orbs
    • Existence Hooked: 2 Blood Orbs
    • Passively (over time): 2 Blood Orbs every 4 seconds .
  • Unhooked Survivors have a grace catamenia of 10 seconds before they beginning dropping Claret Orbs (until the Safety Unhook Score Event triggers).
  • Lifetime: Unlimited (do not despawn)
  • Reservoir: 100 Blood Orbs
    • This refers the maximum number of Blood Orbs that tin exist simultaneously in the Trial Grounds.
      Afterward reaching this number, Survivors volition not spawn whatever boosted Blood Orbs before some are absorbed.

Blood Fury:

  • Activation time: iii seconds
  • Activation Yaw scale (horizontal): eighty % (44 % with Gamepad)
  • Depletion rate: -ii.2 Charges per second
    • This causes Bloody Fury to last a maximum of 45.45 seconds .
  • Time punishment when downing a Survivor: -7 seconds
  • Picking up a downed Survivor will cancel Encarmine Fury , but conserve any remaining Charges.
  • Absurd-down time: 3 seconds .
  • Encarmine Fury will terminate if The Oni is stunned with a Pallet if the Power gauge is either higher up 99 Charges or below 5 Charges .
    • This allows the Game to play the Blood-Fury-to-Idle animation.

Demon Dash:

  • Charge fourth dimension: 2 seconds
  • Cool-down time: 1 2d
  • Movement speed: vii.82 m/s or 195.five %
  • Demon Dash Yaw scale (horizontal): 44 %

Demon Strike:

  • Charge time: 2 seconds
  • Charge threshold: 0.35 seconds
    • Belongings the Assault button for longer than this will initiate a Demon Strike instead of Quick Attack and vice versa.
      • Information technology should be noted that a Quick Attack while in Bloody Fury is considered a Special Attack and will not apply effects such equally the double-harm of the Exposed IconStatusEffects exposed.png Status Effect, for example.
  • Attack open up time: 0.5 seconds
  • Attack hitting fourth dimension: 0.3 seconds
  • Assail absurd-downs:
    • Successful hit: 3 seconds
    • Missed/Obstacle hit: two seconds
  • Assail Yaw calibration (horizontal): 27.5 %
  • Cool-downward Yaw scale (horizontal): 12 % (6.6 % with Gamepad)
  • Absurd-down Pitch scale (vertical): 25 % (13.75 % with Gamepad)
  • Maximum Attack Yaw speed (horizontal): 300 ° per second
    • This refers to the maximum speed at which The Oni can plough during a Demon Strike.
  • Maximum Assail Turn angle: xc °
    • This is the maximum angle The Oni tin plough to the left or right during a Demon Strike.

Power Gauge:

  • Capacity: 100 Charges
  • Passive gain: +0.ii Charges per second .
    • This proceeds is capped at 98 Charges , requiring the assimilation of at least one Blood Orb to fill up the Power gauge.
  • Active gain:
    • Arresting Claret Orbs: +2.5 Charges
    • Successful Basic Attack: +40 Charges
      • This simply applies to healthy Survivors being put into the Injured Country IconHelp injured.png.
        Downing Survivors does not grant this bonus.

Add-ons for Yamaoka's Wrath

Icon Name Description

Rotting Rope

Rotting Rope Had the rope been stronger it would have probable held Kazan.
As information technology was, he escaped and butchered his captors.
  • Increases the Aura Detection range of Blood Orbs past +2 metres .

"Though Expiry is focused, he has been known to glimmer." — Renjiro's Doctrine 14:5

Paper Lantern

Newspaper Lantern Perhaps a memento of simpler times, before rage fully enveloped him.
  • Increases the Motion speed of Blood Orbs while attracted to The Oni by +4 grand/s .

Cracked Sakazuki

Cracked Sakazuki A cup from Kazan's nuptials ceremony.
It never made it through the night before being damaged.
  • Reduces the Activation fourth dimension of Blood Fury by -0.v seconds .
  • Reduces the Deactivation time of Claret Fury by -0.5 seconds .

Blackened Toenail

Blackened Toenail Fell off during one of Kazan'south hundred winter treks to the temple.
Despite his pilgrimage, Akito's leg would never heal.
  • Increases The Oni's Movement speed while absorbing Blood Orbs by +0.iii m/s .

"If a father sacrifices not for his children, then who does he father?" — Renjiro'south Doctrine eleven:12

Polished Maedate

Polished Maedate A horned crest Kazan tore from his helmet after being compared to a demon.
  • Increases the Passive Power Charge charge per unit past +0.1 c/south .

Ink Lion

Ink King of beasts An ink painting that one time hung in the Yamaoka Estate.
Depicts the story of a lion eaten past mice.
  • Reduces the Activation time of Blood Fury by -0.5 seconds .
  • Reduces the Deactivation time of Blood Fury by -0.v seconds .
  • Reduces the Duration penalty of Blood Fury when downing a Survivor by -2 seconds .

Chipped Saihai

Chipped Saihai A baton that belonged to Renjiro.
Information technology was stolen by Kazan upon his departure.
  • Increases the Duration of Blood Fury by +half dozen seconds .

Child's Wooden Sword

Kid'south Wooden Sword Akito's practice sword.
The kid had trivial use for information technology subsequently his injury.
  • Increases the Aura Detection range of Blood Orbs by +3 metres .

Bloody Sash

Bloody Sash Claret from a boy who chosen Kazan "The Noble Impostor".
Kazan hid evidence of the fight from his father, frequently revelling at the sash in secret.
  • Increases' The Oni'due south Movement speed while arresting Blood Orbs by +0.6 m/south .

Yamaoka Sashimono

Yamaoka Sashimono The banner of the Yamaoka family, Kazan felt an overwhelming pride from information technology.
  • Increases the Duration of Blood Fury by +8 seconds .

Wooden Oni Mask

Wooden Oni Mask A mask that a young Kazan bought to celebrate Setsubun, its repulsively fanged mouth began haunting his nightmares.
  • Increases the Frequency of Survivors dropping Blood Orbs by +14 % .
  • Survivors drop 1 additional Blood Orb when they vault, throw Pallets, go out Lockers, hunker, or fail a Skill Check.

"It is no coincidence that man is so familiar with demons." — Renjiro's Doctrine three:8

Shattered Wakizashi

Shattered Wakizashi The fragments of an ancestral blade, destroyed by Kazan in a fit of rage.
  • Increases the Passive Power Charge rate by +0.two c/south .

Scalped Topknot

Scalped Topknot The topknot of a samurai who questioned Kazan's laurels.
The roots cling to a thin strip of bloody pare.
  • Reduces the Activation time of a Demon Nuance by -0.v seconds .

Kanai-Anzen Talisman

Kanai-Anzen Talisman A trinket given to Kazan at nascence, its powers are meant to protect his family from damage.
  • Increases The Oni's Movement speed during a Demon Dash by +0.64 one thousand/south .

Tear Soaked Tenugui

Tear Soaked Tenugui The cloth that Kazan's female parent cried into when he left on his pilgrimage to cleanse the samurai.
  • Reduces the Duration penalization of Claret Fury when downing a Survivor by -iv seconds .

Splintered Hull

Splintered Hull Fragments of a ship that carried Renjiro Yamaoka.
Confronting all odds, the legendary samurai seemed to survive.
  • Increases the Frequency of Survivors dropping Blood Orbs by +33 % .
  • Survivors drop 1 additional Blood Orb when they vault, throw Pallets, exit Lockers, crouch, or neglect a Skill Check.

"To plan subterfuge, begin with a counsel of none." — Renjiro's Doctrine 7:nine

Lion Fang

Panthera leo Fang A molar sold from an exotic vendor, information technology symbolises ability and nobility.
  • Increases the Duration of Blood Fury by +10 seconds .

Akito's Crutch

Akito's Crutch The crutch used by Kazan'south son after falling from a tree.
Akito's playmate and her family unit were punished for the boy's injury.
  • Increases The Oni's Movement speed during a Demon Dash by +1.0 one thousand/southward .

Renjiro's Bloody Glove

Renjiro'south Bloody Glove The glove Renjiro held to his sternum following the strike dealt by his son Kazan.
  • Blood Orbs are visible to Survivors.
  • A Survivor coming into contact with a Claret Orb absorbs it, but has their Aura IconHelp auras.png revealed to you for 2 seconds .
    • This result stacks for each absorbed Claret Orb .

"When all else spills out, cling just to your accolade." — Renjiro'due south Doctrine 14:12

Iridescent Family Crest

Iridescent Family Crest A crest that denotes its owner equally being a office of the Yamaoka family.
  • Missing a Demon Strike volition crusade all Survivors within 24 metres of your location to scream and reveal their location to you lot.

"Know who you lot are so y'all may shield your middle." — Renjiro's Doctrine 11:2


Chief article: Achievements

There are 2 Achievements related to The Oni:

Icon Name Clarification

Adept Oni}}

Adept Oni Reach a Merciless Victory with The Oni IconHelpLoading oni.png using only his Unique Perks: Zanshin Tactics IconPerks zanshinTactics.png, Claret Echo IconPerks bloodEcho.png & Nemesis IconPerks nemesis.png.


Bloodbath With The Oni IconHelpLoading oni.png, down 75 Survivors with Blood Fury.

Cosmetic Options

Players can choose from a variety of Corrective options to customise The Oni:

Base Cosmetics


Icon Proper name Trunk Rarity Description
SK Head01.png Oni-Yamaoka CategoryIcon head.png Mutual The brutal, disciplined warrior who strove to bring purity to the samurai by exterminating impostor samurai inside its ranks.
SK Body01.png Domestic Armor CategoryIcon body.png Mutual The material that protected his flesh and inflamed his ego.
SK W01.png Yamaoka Blade CategoryIcon weapons.png Common A long blade that was passed down from one generation to the side by side.


Icon Name Body Rarity Description Additional Notes
SK Head01 P01.png Bloody Oni-Yamaoka CategoryIcon head.png Rare The savage, disciplined warrior who strove to bring purity to the samurai by exterminating the imposter samurai within its ranks... and feeding them to dogs. 3rd Prestige Advantage
SK Body01 P01.png Dripping Domestic Armor CategoryIcon body.png Rare The bloodstained fabric that protected his flesh and inflamed his ego. 2nd Prestige Reward
SK W01 P01.png Mortality Blade CategoryIcon weapons.png Rare A blood-encrusted bract that shed the blood of many unfortunate souls. 1st Prestige Reward



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Icon Proper noun Body Rarity Description Event
SwedenKiller Mask01 WinterEvent2019.png Frosty Optics CategoryIcon masks.png Uncommon Eye spooky optics of the cold blooded.

"Have a Wonderful Winter 2019-2020!" - The Dead by Daylight Team

Winter Consequence 2019


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Icon Proper noun Body Rarity Clarification Event Exclusive to Event Participation
SwedenKiller Head01 4A.png Crown of the Entity CategoryIcon masks.png Event A crown emanating a festive and ominous aura created past the Entity's biggest fan. Fourth Year Anniversary Yep
Crown 5A.png 5th Anniversary Crown CategoryIcon head.png Issue A crown crafted for a very special ceremony.

"Thank you for supporting & inspiring us forth the years!" - The Expressionless by Daylight Team

Fifth Twelvemonth Ceremony Yes

IconHelp archivesGeneral.png Archives

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Icon Name Torso Rarity Description Outfit Drove Tome Tier
SwedenKiller Mask02 02.png Wicker Grin Mask CategoryIcon masks.png Rare His dark and vindictive plan was discovered, and villagers began to phone call him, "Oni-Yamaoka," the rageful samurai. Vengeful Lord Feudal Domain 4 53
SwedenKiller Body02 02.png Distraught Souls CategoryIcon body.png Rare He decided he would non tolerate this dishonor and set off to kill anyone who would dare call him an Oni. Vengeful Lord Feudal Domain 4 63
SwedenKiller W02 02.png Coastal Sword CategoryIcon weapons.png Rare The blade used to butcher those who call him Oni-Yamaoka. Vengeful Lord Feudal Domain 4 37
SwedenKiller Mask010.png Atrocious Disfigurement CategoryIcon masks.png Rare Jaw cleaved, nose sliced off, mask smashed into his face up, yet still he fought to the end. Demon'south Cease Grim Resolutions 6 52
SwedenKiller Body010.png Death Throes CategoryIcon body.png Rare A bound and tortured monstrosity, he was dealt hurting inconceivable to most humans. Demon'due south Cease Grim Resolutions half-dozen 41
SwedenKiller W010.png Concluding Stand up CategoryIcon weapons.png Rare As his kanabo crumbled nether the damage he wrought, he reached for his jintachi sword. It too would exist ravaged by the sheer amount of basic it struck. Demon'south Stop Grim Resolutions 6 63
Completed Outfits
Icon Name Body Rarity Description Collection Tome Tiers
SwedenKiller outfit 02 02.png Vengeful Lord CategoryIcon outfits.png Rare He entered the battle dressed every bit a lord and humiliated imposter samurai before exiling into a forest where he would later cut them downward. Feudal Domain 4 37,53,63
SwedenKiller outfit 010.png Demon'southward Stop CategoryIcon outfits.png Rare It was a fierce, horrible end for Kazan. Overwhelmed by dozens of peasants after killing dozens of others, he was slashed, stabbed, beaten and left to die. Grim Resolutions half-dozen 41,52,63

IconHelp store.png In-Game Store

CategoryIcon outfits.png Outfits

Linked Cosmetics IconHelp cosmetic sets small.png: click on the icon in the table beneath to see the individual parts of a Cosmetic Set and their descriptions.
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Icon Name Rarity Clarification Contents Collection Price Release Date
SK outfit 01 CV01.png Runaway Warrior Common He set off to bring honor dorsum to the samurai. He disappeared from home with his kanabo and his father's katana. Ancestral Mask (Sand)

Formalism Armor (Statuary)

Legacy Blade (Bronze)

Claret and Tradition


IconHelp auricCells.png


IconHelp iridescentShards.png

3 Dec 2019
SK outfit 01 CV02.png Defiant Warrior Common He ready off to bring honour back to the samurai. He disappeared from domicile with his kanabo and his father's katana. Ancestral Mask (Moss)

Ceremonial Armor (Gilt)

Legacy Blade (Gilded)

Claret and Tradition


IconHelp auricCells.png


IconHelp iridescentShards.png

3 December 2019
SK outfit 01 CV03.png Purist Warrior Common He prepare off to bring accolade back to the samurai. He disappeared from home with his kanabo and his father's katana. Ancestral Mask (Violet)

Ceremonial Armor (Obsidian)

Legacy Blade (Obsidian)

Claret and Tradition


IconHelp auricCells.png


IconHelp iridescentShards.png

3 Dec 2019
SK outfit 01 CV04.png Rogue Warrior Common He ready off to bring accolade back to the samurai. He disappeared from abode with his kanabo and his male parent's katana. Ancestral Mask (Teal)

Ceremonial Armor (Silver)

Legacy Blade (Argent)

Blood and Tradition


IconHelp auricCells.png


IconHelp iridescentShards.png

3 December 2019
SK outfit 01 01.png Imprisoned Nobleman Uncommon He was captured past a minor group of farmers posing as samurai to be presented to the region'southward lord, just he escaped and killed his captors. Murderous Mask

Unmerciful Armor

Furious Blade

Imposter Noble


IconHelp auricCells.png


IconHelp iridescentShards.png

three December 2019
SK outfit 01 02.png Captured Nobleman Uncommon He was captured by a minor group of farmers posing as samurai to exist presented to the region's lord, but he escaped and killed his captors. Ferocious Mask

Fell Armor

Unleashed Blade

Imposter Noble


IconHelp auricCells.png


IconHelp iridescentShards.png

iii Dec 2019
SK outfit 01 03.png Ensnared Nobleman Uncommon He was captured by a small-scale group of farmers posing as samurai to exist presented to the region's lord, but he escaped and killed his captors. Demon Mask

Barbarous Armor

Ruthless Blade

Imposter Noble


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three Dec 2019
SK outfit 02 01.png Degraded Lord Rare He entered the battle dressed every bit a lord and humiliated imposter soldiers before exiling them into a woods where he would later cut them downwards. Dark Smile Mask

Weak Souls

Mossy Sword

Feudal Domain


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3 Dec 2019
SK outfit 02.png Humiliated Lord Rare He entered the boxing dressed as a lord and humiliated imposter soldiers before exiling them into a forest where he would after cut them down. Green Grin Mask

Defeated Souls

Jaded Sword

Feudal Domain


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iii December 2019
SwedenKiller outfit 010.png Demon'due south End Rare Information technology was a violent, horrible end for Kazan. Overwhelmed by dozens of peasants later killing dozens of others, he was slashed, stabbed, beaten and left to die. Atrocious Disfigurement

Death Throes

Last Stand up

Grim Resolutions


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SK outfit 006.png Demonic Force Very Rare He grew big-headed following his recent conquests and believed that his success was destined. Sanguinary Mask

Noble Armor

Bloodthirsty Sword

Perfect Form


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3 December 2019
SwedenKiller outfit 007.png Ice-Common cold Legacy Very Rare The day of Namahage was the perfect opportunity for him. Dressing as an Oni, he was welcomed into homes to admonish naughty children... but it wasn't the children he was after. Snowy Journey

Wolfen Fur & Heavy Skulls

Legendary Blade



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23 December 2019
SwedenKiller outfit 008.png Cursed Fate Very Rare As stories circulated, many peasants believed him to be a literal oni. They feared that an otherworldly fauna - something across human - was coming for them in the night. Horned Demon

Feral Armor

Burst Blade

Yamaoka Curse


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15 May 2020
SwedenKiller outfit 009.png The Minotaur

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Ultra Rare Equally memories and myths of The Entity's victims merged in the fog, a wretched minotaur materialized, unbound from any prison maze. One-piece Outfit Greek Legends


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28 July 2020

CategoryIcon head.png Heads

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Icon Name Rarity Description Outfit Collection Price Release Date
SK Mask01 CV01.png Ancestral Mask (Sand) Common A face that terrorized the imposter farmers who dared call themselves samurai. Defiant Warrior Blood and Tradition


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3 December 2019
SK Mask01 CV02.png Ancestral Mask (Moss) Common A face that terrorized the imposter farmers who dared call themselves samurai. Runaway Warrior Blood and Tradition


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3 December 2019
SK Mask01 CV03.png Ancestral Mask (Violet) Mutual A face that terrorized the imposter farmers who dared call themselves samurai. Purist Warrior Blood and Tradition


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three December 2019
SK Mask01 CV04.png Ancestral Mask (Teal) Mutual A confront that terrorized the imposter farmers who dared call themselves samurai. Rogue Warrior Claret and Tradition


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3 Dec 2019
SK Mask01 01.png Murderous Mask Uncommon Some locals nicknamed him 'The Imposter Noble,' for they believed his hatred for false samurai was rooted in his father's ambiguous past—in his own illegitimate bloodline. Imprisoned Nobleman Imposter Noble


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three December 2019
SK Mask01 02.png Ferocious Mask Uncommon Some locals nicknamed him 'The Imposter Noble,' for they believed his hatred for imitation samurai was rooted in his father'southward ambiguous past—in his own illegitimate bloodline. Captured Nobleman Imposter Noble


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3 December 2019
SK Mask01 03.png Demon Mask Uncommon Some locals nicknamed him 'The Imposter Noble,' for they believed his hatred for false samurai was rooted in his father'due south cryptic by—in his own illegitimate bloodline. Ensnared Nobleman Imposter Noble


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3 Dec 2019
SK Mask02 01.png Dark Smile Mask Rare His dark and vindictive plan was discovered, and villagers began to telephone call him, "Oni-Yamaoka," the rageful samurai. Degraded Lord Feudal Domain


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3 December 2019
SK Mask02.png Green Grinning Mask Rare His dark and vindictive plan was discovered, and villagers began to phone call him, "Oni-Yamaoka," the rageful samurai. Humiliated Lord Feudal Domain


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3 Dec 2019
SwedenKiller Mask010.png Atrocious Disfigurement Rare Jaw broken, nose sliced off, mask smashed into his face, yet still he fought to the end. Demon's Stop Grim Resolutions


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SK Mask006.png Sanguinary Mask Very Rare Drunk one night, he challenged a legendary samurai to a duel. Demonic Force Perfect Form


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3 December 2019
SwedenKiller Mask007.png Snowy Journey Very Rare His long cadaverous hard defenseless every bit of snowfall, striking fear into the hearts of children, practiced and bad. Ice-Cold Legacy Wintertime


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23 December 2019
SwedenKiller Mask008.png Horned Demon Very Rare He spilled the claret of farmers beyond the prefecture. No one could escape his wrath. Cursed Fate Yamaoka Curse


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xv May 2020

CategoryIcon body.png Body

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Icon Proper noun Rarity Description Outfit Drove Price Release Appointment
SK Body01 CV01.png Ceremonial Armor (Statuary) Common The armor that he wore to punish those who soiled the title of samurai. Runaway Warrior Blood and Tradition


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iii Dec 2019
SK Body01 CV02.png Formalism Armor (Gilded) Mutual The armor that he wore to punish those who soiled the championship of samurai. Defiant Warrior Blood and Tradition


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three December 2019
SK Body01 CV03.png Formalism Armor (Violet) Common The armor that he wore to punish those who soiled the title of samurai. Purist Warrior Claret and Tradition


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3 December 2019
SK Body01 CV04.png Ceremonial Armor (Silver) Common The armor that he wore to punish those who soiled the championship of samurai. Rogue Warrior Blood and Tradition


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iii December 2019
SK Body01 01.png Bestial Armor Uncommon Hardened leather armor to protect him against the foes who outnumbered him five to one. Imprisoned Nobleman Imposter Noble


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3 Dec 2019
SK Body01 02.png Barbarous Armor Uncommon Hardened leather armor to protect him against the foes who outnumbered him five to i. Captured Nobleman Imposter Noble


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iii December 2019
SK Body01 03.png Barbarous Armor Uncommon Hardened leather armor to protect him against the foes who outnumbered him five to 1. Ensnared Nobleman Imposter Noble


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three December 2019
SK Body02 01.png Weak Souls Rare He decided he would non tolerate this dishonor and set off to kill anyone who would dare telephone call him an Oni. Degraded Lord Feudal Domain


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3 December 2019
SK Body02.png Defeated Souls Rare He decided he would not tolerate this dishonor and set off to kill anyone who would dare phone call him an Oni. Humiliated Lord Feudal Domain


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3 Dec 2019
SwedenKiller Body010.png Death Throes Rare A jump and tortured monstrosity, he was dealt pain inconceivable to most humans. Demon'southward End Grim Resolutions


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SK Body006.png Noble Armor Very Rare Though he won, he nigh bled out afterward the fight due to a gash along his torso. Demonic Force Perfect Grade


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3 December 2019
SwedenKiller Body007.png Wolfen Fur & Heavy Skulls Very Rare He had traveled far and wide to reach this isolated village, hunting prey and fighting off wolves to attain his destination. Ice-Cold Legacy Wintertime


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23 December 2019
SwedenKiller Body008.png Feral Armor Very Rare His body morphed, turning into the animate being of nighttime tales that spread through the state like wildfire. Cursed Fate Yamaoka Expletive


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15 May 2020

CategoryIcon weapons.png Weapons

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Icon Name Rarity Clarification Outfit Collection Price Release Date
SK W01 CV01.png Legacy Blade (Statuary) Mutual A blade rumored to come from the metropolis of Hakodate, obtained by first of the Yamaoka before he sailed off to Kanawaza.

His transport never made information technology and some say neither did he.

Runaway Warrior Blood and Tradition


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three December 2019
SK W01 CV02.png Legacy Blade (Gilt) Common A bract rumored to come up from the city of Hakodate, obtained by start of the Yamaoka earlier he sailed off to Kanawaza.

His ship never made information technology and some say neither did he.

Defiant Warrior Blood and Tradition


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iii December 2019
SK W01 CV03.png Legacy Bract (Obsidian) Common A blade rumored to come up from the metropolis of Hakodate, obtained past first of the Yamaoka before he sailed off to Kanawaza.

His ship never made it and some say neither did he.

Purist Warrior Blood and Tradition


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iii December 2019
SK W01 CV04.png Legacy Blade (Silver) Common A blade rumored to come from the urban center of Hakodate, obtained by get-go of the Yamaoka before he sailed off to Kanawaza.

His ship never made it and some say neither did he.

Rogue Warrior Claret and Tradition


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3 December 2019
SK W01 01.png Furious Blade Uncommon The heavy, sharp blade he used to set himself gratis from his captors. Imprisoned Nobleman Imposter Noble


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iii December 2019
SK W01 02.png Unleashed Blade Uncommon The heavy, precipitous blade he used to set himself gratuitous from his captors. Captured Nobleman Imposter Noble


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three Dec 2019
SK W01 03.png Ruthless Blade Uncommon The heavy, sharp bract he used to set himself free from his captors. Ensnared Nobleman Imposter Noble


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3 December 2019
SK W02.png Mossy Sword Rare The blade used to butcher those who phone call him Oni-Yamaoka. Degraded Lord Feudal Domain


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3 Dec 2019
SK W02 01.png Jaded Sword Rare The blade used to butcher those who call him Oni-Yamaoka. Humiliated Lord Feudal Domain


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three Dec 2019
SwedenKiller W010.png Last Stand up Rare As his kanabo crumbled under the damage he wrought, he reached for his jintachi sword. Information technology likewise would be ravaged past the sheer amount of bones it struck. Demon's End Grim Resolutions


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SK W006.png Bloodthirsty Sword Very Rare The ancient blade he held as he bled out, whispering one concluding prayer. Merely his blood clotted and he survived as per divine intervention. Demonic Force Perfect Form


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3 December 2019
SwedenKiller W007.png Legendary Blade Very Rare When he was allowed into the home of a wealthy sword maker who had supplied false samurai with his wares, he launched into battle. The merchant never stood a adventure. Ice-Cold Legacy Wintertime


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23 Dec 2019
SwedenKiller W008.png Burst Blade Very Rare Carved from a large, ancestral tree, his weapon was the sturdiest e'er forged. Cursed Fate Yamaoka Curse


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15 May 2020

Alternate Character Models

The Oni has 1 alternate Graphic symbol model available in the in-game Shop:

  • The Minotaur


Main article: Downloadable Content

The Oni is part of 2 DLCs:

  • CHAPTER 14: Cursed Legacy
  • Killer Expansion Pack


  • The Oni was the third Killer to take a unique Terror Radius and Hunt Music.
  • The Oni was the fourth Killer to exist able to destroy Breakables with his Weapon, but only when Encarmine Fury is agile.
  • The Oni has the most Weapon-cleansing animations of any Killer, using a total of 4 unique animations.
  • The Oni is i of the few Killers with a unique animation for destroying Breakable Walls, punching through them.
  • The Oni will picture the blood off his bract in a Japanese custom called chiburui (èĄ€æŒŻă‚‹ă„) after injuring a Survivor.


  • As of the release of the NetEase version of Dead by Daylight Mobile, The Oni is technically the 6th Killer to accept 2 Memento Mori animations.
  • Additionally, The Oni is the third Killer to take 2 completely different Memento Mori animations.
    • The Oni's original blitheness has him stab through the Survivor's chest, tear their tongue out and go on to swing his kanabo multiple times.
    • The Oni'southward NetEase animation has him step on the Survivor'south dorsum, raise his kanabo upwards and swing information technology down multiple times before using it to lift the Survivor upwards by the neck and stab them in the dorsum with his sword, only to sheathe his kanabo behind his back once more.


  • An Oni is a demonic creature popular in Japanese folklore. The name has several meanings across Asian cultures; however, the about common ones are "spirit/soul of the dead", "evil spectre" or "ancestral spirit".
  • According to some of his Add-ons, Kazan had a piffling son called "Akito", and his male parent was named "Renjiro".
  • This makes him perchance the first and only killer to date have had an actual biological kid prior to being taken past The Entity.

Proper noun

  • The Oni's last name, Yamaoka, roughly translates to "Mountain Hill".
  • The Oni is Rin Yamaoka'due south (The Spirit'southward) great-great-great-groovy-corking granddaddy.
  • The Developers went through several iterations of The Oni'due south showtime name before settling on Kazan: Kenji, Kazuya, Kojiro, etc.

Vocalization Player

  • The Oni is voiced by Jean-Baptiste Garnier, who at that fourth dimension worked as the Senior Sound Designer on the Game.


For more than go to The Oni's Gallery

THE SURVIVORS IconHelpLoading survivor.png
Base of operations GAME /
Affiliate 1
S01 charSelect portrait.png Dwight Fairfield SurvivorDwight.png S02 charSelect portrait.png Million Thomas SurvivorMeg.png S03 charSelect portrait.png Claudette Morel SurvivorClaudette.png S04 charSelect portrait.png Jake Park SurvivorJake.png S05 charSelect portrait.png Nea Karlsson SurvivorNea.png
ii - v
S06 charSelect portrait.png Laurie Strode SurvivorLaurie.png S07 charSelect portrait.png Ace Visconti SurvivorAce.png S08 charSelect portrait.png Nib Overbeck SurvivorBill.png S09 charSelect portrait.png Feng Min SurvivorFeng.png S10 charSelect portrait.png David King SurvivorDavid.png
half-dozen - 10
S11 charSelect portrait.png Quentin Smith SurvivorQuentin.png S12 charSelect portrait.png David Tapp SurvivorTapp.png S13 charSelect portrait.png Kate Denson SurvivorKate.png S14 charSelect portrait.png Adam Francis SurvivorAdam.png S15 charSelect portrait.png Jeff Johansen SurvivorJeff.png
eleven - 14
S16 charSelect portrait.png Jane Romero SurvivorJane.png S17 charSelect portrait.png Ash Williams SurvivorAsh.png S18 charSelect portrait.png Nancy Wheeler SurvivorNancy.png S19 charSelect portrait.png Steve Harrington SurvivorSteve.png S20 charSelect portrait.png Yui Kimura SurvivorYui.png
15 - 19
S21 charSelect portrait.png Zarina Kassir SurvivorZarina.png S22 charSelect portrait.png Cheryl Mason SurvivorCheryl.png S23 charSelect portrait.png Felix Richter SurvivorFelix.png S24 charSelect portrait.png Élodie Rakoto SurvivorElodie.png S25 charSelect portrait.png Yun-Jin Lee SurvivorYun-Jin.png
20 - 23
S26 charSelect portrait.png Jill Valentine SurvivorJill.png S27 charSelect portrait.png Leon Scott Kennedy SurvivorLeon.png S28 charSelect portrait.png Mikaela Reid SurvivorMikaela.png S29 charSelect portrait.png Jonah Vasquez SurvivorJonah.png S30 charSelect portrait.png Yoichi Asakawa SurvivorYoichi.png
S31 charSelect portrait.png Haddie Kaur SurvivorHaddie.png
THE KILLERS IconHelpLoading killer.png
Base GAME /
i - 2
K01 charSelect portrait.png Evan MacMillan - The Trapper IconHelpLoading trapper.png K02 charSelect portrait.png Philip Ojomo - The Wraith IconHelpLoading wraith.png K03 charSelect portrait.png Max Thompson Jr. - The Hillbilly IconHelpLoading hillbilly.png K04 charSelect portrait.png Sally Smithson - The Nurse IconHelpLoading nurse.png K05 charSelect portrait.png Michael Myers - The Shape IconHelpLoading shape.png
3 - 6
K06 charSelect portrait.png Lisa Sherwood - The Hag IconHelpLoading hag.png K07 charSelect portrait.png Herman Carter - The Doctor IconHelpLoading doctor.png K08 charSelect portrait.png Anna - The Huntress IconHelpLoading huntress.png K09 charSelect portrait.png Bubba Sawyer - The Cannibal IconHelpLoading cannibal.png K10 charSelect portrait.png Freddy Krueger - The Nightmare IconHelpLoading nightmare.png
7 - 11
K11 charSelect portrait.png Amanda Young - The Grunter IconHelpLoading pig.png K12 charSelect portrait.png Jeffrey Hawk - The Clown IconHelpLoading clown.png K13 charSelect portrait.png Rin Yamaoka - The Spirit IconHelpLoading spirit.png K14 charSelect portrait.png Frank, Julie, Susie, Joey - The Legion IconHelpLoading legion.png K15 charSelect portrait.png Adiris - The Plague IconHelpLoading plague.png
12 - 15
K16 charSelect portrait.png Danny Johnson - The Ghost Face IconHelpLoading ghost.png K17 charSelect portrait.png The Demogorgon IconHelpLoading demogorgon.png K18 charSelect portrait.png Kazan Yamaoka - The Oni IconHelpLoading oni.png K19 charSelect portrait.png Caleb Quinn - The Deathslinger IconHelpLoading deathslinger.png K20 charSelect portrait.png Pyramid Head - The Executioner IconHelpLoading wales.png
sixteen - 21
K21 charSelect portrait.png Talbot Grimes - The Blight IconHelpLoading blight.png K22 charSelect portrait.png Charlotte & Victor Deshayes - The Twins IconHelpLoading twins.png K23 charSelect portrait.png Ji-Woon Hak - The Trickster IconHelpLoading trickster.png K24 charSelect portrait.png Nemesis T-Type - The Nemesis Nemesis T-Type}} K25 charSelect portrait.png Elliot Spencer - The Cenobite IconHelpLoading cenobite.png
22 - 24
K26 charSelect portrait.png Carmina Mora - The Artist IconHelpLoading artist.png K27 charSelect portrait.png Sadako Yamamura - The Onryƍ IconHelpLoading onryo.png K28 charSelect portrait.png The Dredge IconHelpLoading dredge.png
K25 Chatterer charSelect portrait.png The Chatterer S27 Chris charSelect portrait.png Chris Redfield S26 Claire charSelect portrait.png Claire Redfield S22 Cybil charSelect portrait.png Cybil Bennett S22 James charSelect portrait.png James Sunderland S19 Jonathan charSelect portrait.png Jonathan Byers
S22 Lisa charSelect portrait.png Lisa Garland K07 Look-See charSelect portrait.png The Look-See K08 Mordeo charSelect portrait.png The Mordeo
K08 Baba Yaga charSelect portrait.png The Baba Yaga K21 Ferryman charSelect portrait.png The Ferryman K01 Krampus charSelect portrait.png The Krampus K18 Minotaur charSelect portrait.png The Minotaur
S22 Alessa charSelect portrait.png Alessa Gillespie K06 Birch charSelect portrait.png The Birch K23 GodOfDesire charSelect portrait.png The God of Desire K27 RottenRemains charSelect portrait.png The Rotten Remains
Alex Bridegroom Baker The Entity IconHelp entity.png The Observer IconHelp archivesGeneral.png Vigo and many more than...
The Smasher The Teacher

Dead By Daylight Oni Map,


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